NCGS Chapter 59 – Partnership

Sec. 59-32. Definition of terms.

As used in this Chapter, except as otherwise defined in Article 5 of this Chapter for purposes of that Article, unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. (7) “Registered limited liability partnership” means a partnership that is registered under G.S. 59‑84.2 and complies with G.S. 59‑84.3.

Sec. 59-45. Nature of partner’s liability in ordinary partnerships and in registered limited liability partnerships.

  1. Except as provided by subsections (a1) and (b) of this section, all partners are jointly and severally liable for the acts and obligations of the partnership.
  2. Nothing in this Chapter shall be interpreted to abolish, modify, restrict, limit, or alter the law in this State applicable to the professional relationship and liabilities between the individual furnishing the professional services and the person receiving the professional services, the standards of professional conduct applicable to the rendering of the services, or any responsibilities, obligations, or sanctions imposed under applicable licensing statutes. A partner in a registered limited liability partnership is not individually liable, directly or indirectly, including by indemnification, contribution, assessment, or otherwise, for the debts, obligations, and liabilities of, or chargeable to, the registered limited liability partnership that arise from errors, omissions, negligence, malpractice, incompetence, or malfeasance committed by another partner or by an employee, agent, or other representative of the partnership; provided, however, nothing in this Chapter shall affect the liability of a partner of a professional registered limited liability partnership for his or her own errors, omissions, negligence, malpractice, incompetence, or malfeasance committed in the rendering of professional services.

Sec. 59-84.2. Registered limited liability partnerships.

  1. (a) A partnership whose internal affairs are governed by the laws of this State, other than a limited partnership, may become a registered limited liability partnership by filing with the Secretary of State an application stating all of the following:
    1. (1) The name of the partnership.
    2. (2) The street address, and the mailing address if different from the street address, of its principal office and the county in which the principal office is located.
    3. (3) The name and street address, and the mailing address if different from the street address, of the partnership’s registered agent and registered office for service of process.
    4. (4) The county in this State in which the registered office is located.
    5. (7) The fiscal year end of the partnership.
  2. (f1) A partnership becomes a registered limited liability partnership when its application for registration becomes effective.
  3. (h) A partnership shall promptly amend its registration to reflect any change in the information contained in its application for registration, other than changes that are properly included in other documents filed with the Secretary of State. A registration is amended by filing a certificate of amendment with the Secretary of State.
  4. (j) A partnership may cancel its registration by filing a certificate of cancellation with the Secretary of State.

Sec. 59-84.3. Name of registered limited liability partnerships.

A registered limited liability partnership’s name must meet the requirements of G.S. 55D‑20 and G.S. 55D‑21.

Sec. 59-84.4. Annual report for Secretary of State.

  1. Each registered limited liability partnership and each foreign limited liability partnership authorized to transact business in this State shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an annual report, in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, that sets forth all of the following:
    1. The name of the registered limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership and the state or country under whose law it is formed.
    2. The street address, and the mailing address if different from the street address, of the registered office, the county in which the registered office is located, and the name of its registered agent at that office in this State, and a statement of any change of the registered office or registered agent, or both.
    3. The street address and telephone number of its principal office.
    4. A brief description of the nature of its business.
    5. The fiscal year end of the partnership.

If the information contained in the most recently filed annual report has not changed, a certification to that effect may be made instead of setting forth the information required by subdivisions (2) through (4) of this subsection. The Secretary of State shall make available the form required to file an annual report.

This website contains excerpts from the various sections of the North Carolina Administrative Code and North Carolina General Statutes that apply to accountancy and occupational licensing. Reasonable efforts have been made to produce an accurate and useful reference tool for the public and the practitioner. However, individuals are encouraged to refer to the actual texts on the Office of Administrative Hearings website or the NC General Assembly website.